I’ve been meaning to share this recipe all summer.  It’s just a handful of things I impulsively grabbed at the farmer’s market, along with some cheese, lime, and salt.  For all the hacking and firing involved you’ll only end up with a cup or so, but it’s worth it.  I took a few bites of […]

Kohlrabi was a completely foreign vegetable to me, until I received two  purple bulbs in my CSA.  They are wild looking, and a little intimidating!  I put them out of sight in my crisper for about a week until I knew I had to do something with them.  A crunchy vegetable, with a cabbagey taste […]

Farm fresh produce is widely available in my area- I know that’s not the case for everyone, so I feel super lucky!  A co-worker proposed going halfsies on a CSA (community supported agriculture) farm share, and I jumped at the opportunity.  When you get a CSA you pay in advance for a season of weekly shares […]

Pesto was always a very specific thing for me growing up.  Primarily basil, it always went with pasta, and  it usually came from a jar.  This is the first time I’ve ever made pesto, and it was so insanely easy. I think it’s a great way to do something with any abundance of greens.  Almost […]

I haven’t made any sort of sweet treat for a while, but this was the perfect recipe to get me back on the sugar wagon.  Also, in my quest to share more food, a chocolate tart is perfect- it’s so rich it has to be given away.  You’d have to be in a pretty sorry […]